With Dual core the game hangs after the menu, the same happens with Defer EFB copies enabled. THIS IS A MUST ON WIN10 FOR MOST OF THE WII WARE GAMES SUCH AS "CASTLEVANIA REBIRTH", "GRADIUS REBIRTH" etc.Ĥ20FPS with Single core, D3D12, 3x IR, 4x SSAA, 16x Anisoptropic filtering and EFB to texture only.

Youtube contra rebirth stage 2 full#
ALSO do not use "Force Texture Filtering" it will give graphics corruption. To get an S-Rank, you only need to beat a full stage without losing a life.

Contents 1 Overview 2 Enemies 2.1 Minibosses 2.2 Boss 3 Gallery 4 Music 5 Trivia Overview A city has been left in ruins after the enemy attack. It works perfect whithout flaws (tested it in a full run), to avoid the black screen you need to uncheck the dual core option (With Dual Core option ON it gives insta-blackscreen after the title screen) and to avoid having a black screen between stages you need to uncheck the "Store EFB" the game need to copy EFB to RAM on WIN 10. Contra ReBirth Previous stage Next stage Satellite Warzone Armageddon Highway Dystopian Metropolis is the second stage in Contra ReBirth. It is the twelfth original installment in the Contra series, being part of Konami's 'ReBirth' series. Contra: Hard Corps / Probotector GENESIS/MEGA DRIVE SoundtrackPublisher: KonamiDeveloper: KonamiComposer: Hiroshi Kobayashi, Akira Sji, Kenji Miyaoka, Mic. Operation C- Like Castlevania 2: Belmonts Revenge on Game Boy, it performs shockingly well, has good controls, completely different levels from its NES counterparts, and an amazing soundtrack. A lets play of Contra Rebirth 's Second Stage Boss. The game didn't gave me a black square covering 90% of screen until I paused and went to title for a new game. Contra ReBirth (, Kontora Ribsu) is a 2D run-and-gun platformer video game developed by M2 and published by Konami of America exclusively for the Nintendo Wii via its WiiWare service. Disable Dual Core support or the game hangs while starting a new game. Works perfect (a few lags here and there, but that might be me and a reinstall scheduled after years). Arm yourself with powerful weapons and blast your way through hordes of deadly enemies and gigantic bosses. Half way into stage two 90% of the screen is cover up in black. Contra ReBirth ( Kontora Ribsu), an explosive, action-packed shooter for 1 or 2 players Take control of the Contra soldiers Bill Rizer and Lance Bean and protect Earth from an alien invasion.

This title has been tested on the environments listed below: However, compatibility may extend to prior revisions or compatibility gaps may exist within ranges indicated as compatible due to limited testing. Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions.