Children of nobility would have read and discussed Shakespeare, Homer, and Virgil with their tutors, as well as learning languages and studying music. Not that I'm a big fan of class divisions, but at that time I believe one of the markers of class was education. Although it is a good lesson that you can uplift the way you present yourself by speaking properly, the other message is that Eliza can pass for high class because she's beautiful and thin.

The messages about class are not very helpful. In the one song in which Eliza seems to have grown a spine, ("The world will go on without you"), Prof. They're nothing but exasperating, irritating, vacillating, calculating, agitating, maddening and infuriating hags! "

Hey eliza age full#
He sings a song of pure, ridiculous misogyny called "Why can't a woman be more like a man?" I felt very uncomfortable for my daughter and son to be exposed to words such as: ".Women are irrational, that's all there is to that! Their heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags. Names he slings at Eliza include "impudent hussy", "presumptuous insect" and "guttersnipe." He doesn't respect her as a person at all, but treats her as a throwaway object that he USES to win a bet.Ībout the language, it's not just that there are a good number of "damns" and "for God's sakes" Higgins actually says "Damn you!" to Eliza, as well as "you look like the very devil." The official Common Sense Media review really let me down on this one.Įliza develops the syndrome where women fall in love with a captor, and Prof.